April 1, 2024
New Frontiers in Immunology: Studying Diseases in the Tissues Where They Happen
Learn how Eddie James, PhD, Peter Morawski, PhD, and other BRI scientists are exploring tissue-specific immunology and why this approach is fueling discoveries.

March 12, 2024
2 Halfs, 2 Coasts, 2 Days: Gretchen Schoenstein Takes on Challenge for BRI and Everyone with Autoimmune Diseases
Longtime BRI supporter Gretchen Schoenstein is taking on a bold new challenge: 2 half-marathons, in 2 days, on 2 coasts.

January 12, 2024
New Grant Fuels Research Into Preventing Autoimmunity
Naive T cells are like the rookies of your immune system. They’re young and inexperienced. They grow up to do different jobs, most of which help protect your body from viruses and bacteria. But a few stray down the wrong path — growing up to become cells that cause autoimmune disease.

January 11, 2024
John Ray, PhD, Receives NIH New Innovator Award
The prestigious NIH Director’s New Innovator Award provides significant funding for innovative research that holds the promise of high rewards. And BRI geneticist John Ray, PhD, just received one.

January 11, 2024
Ready for This Moment: Exploring Prevention of Ulcerative Colitis
Adam Lacy-Hulbert, PhD, was reading through the latest scientific papers when one finding stopped him in his tracks: Groups from Kyoto University and Mount Sinai described an autoantibody specific to people with ulcerative colitis (UC).

January 10, 2024
On the Brink of a Golden Age of Medicine
"I know we will reach that golden age, and BRI’s research in human immunology is the vehi¬cle that will take us there. This field has shepherded incredible advances in recent years, including new vaccines, new cancer treatments, and new and better treatment options for autoimmune disease."

September 28, 2023
Meet BRI's Summer 2023 Interns
Each summer, BRI hosts undergraduate interns from universities across the country. They join various BRI labs and departments to take on research projects with mentorship from our scientists. Meet this year's interns and learn about the exciting projects they worked on.

September 25, 2023
Participants Like Mikaela Fuel Research Advances
Participating in a clinical trial for type 1 diabetes (T1D) was easy for 9-year-old Mikaela. “Everyone was really nice. I just had to drink a milkshake with some medicine in it and get an IV.

September 21, 2023
Revolutionary Microscope to Fuel Immunology Breakthroughs
What if we could take a blood sample from a person with rheumatoid arthritis, zero in on the immune cells that cause the disease, and watch what they’re doing in real-time video?

September 19, 2023
An Insider's Look Into Clinical Trials at BRI
Before medicines become widely available, they have to be rigorously tested — first in the lab, then in people through clinical trials.