The IL-2/IL-2R signaling pathway is associated with T1D and other autoimmune diseases, impacting Treg but also many other cell types. We discovered reduced IL-2R signaling in effector CD4 T cells of T1D subjects that is partially explained by autoimmune-associated genetic risk alleles. How reduced IL-2R signaling in effector T cell contributes to T1D pathology is not well understood. We are exploring molecular mechanisms of reduced IL-2 signaling, and modultion of IL-2R signaling in disease progression and with therapy.
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Long Lab.

Drivers of CD8 T cells exhaustion in autoimmunity
We are investigating what factors promote exhausted CD8 T cells, a cell type associated with better outcome in T1D.

Mechanisms of tolerance with autoimmune therapies
We use longitudinal studies to determine immune changes that correlate with disease progression and response to therapy.